Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back in time to blog once again!

I'm beginning to see a pattern in my life where when I find something I'm interested in, I tend to go hardcore on it for the first few weeks of it and as time quickly flashes by, my enthusiasm for that particular interest tends to slowly fade out. Give and take a few weeks or months i would either get get back to my interest but in a more casual approach or i would omit it from my life completely.

Take this blogging for example, when I was first introduced by Dini, I go hardcore and enthusiastic about it and tried to blog at least once a week. Then it began to phased to once per month and suddenly once for a long time like today!

And such patterns leads to me being worried that I would be doing this for everything. Interest, hobbies, friends & family, etc etc. A pattern i want to break hopefully.

But rest assured my fellow readers! I'm still trying to get back into blogging so don't loose hope yet! When the time comes my rant of the world shall return once again!

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