Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Flavor of the week (as borrowed with a late permission from a friend)

I've never done "flavors of the week" kinda thing before, but then again, this shouldn't even be considered as flavor of the week coz this flavor have been almost long forgotten. Imagine a childhood memory of a food that you've been missing for many many years now then suddenly u smell that scent then you go gaga over it the rest of the days.

So! Since i need to write this blog before i totally forgotten that this needs to be blog, i decided to "borrow" the 'flavor of the week' concept for this particular women who I have no heard for years and years...
till 5 minutes ago...It's Utada Hikaru! (or Hikaru Utada to some)

Rarely do I ever say this to celebrities, and I'm not particularly that obsess with celebrities or i even care of their status and power aside from their money, but what I'm going to say is this....


sure everyone loves celebrities, but i don't love her coz of whatever the press had to say about her or whats her personality or how she looks. (although she is a looker to my opinion)

I fell in love with her voice. Been many years last i heard her voice and recently i came across this video by chance and's like meeting a long lost childhood love and it's the kind of reunion where you see in all those beutiful love drama series. Heres the live song she sang in the studio...(gota love seeing people who truly sang their heart out)

I just felt like she deserve alittle recognition from yours truly because she is probably the first time i ever said I love someones voice to the point of heart melting. Heck my chest still feels like it's melting right now.

PS: oh heres something for you tetris & Utada Lovers out there.

A woman with many talents.........(or simply some crazy genetic things that all Japanese posses for some reason.)

1 comment:

Dini said...

That's cute - and of course you have my permission to use it. Aiyah :)