Monday, April 20, 2009

Something that could totally tick some people off....mainly me.

We all live in a world full of anticipations. The anticipation of the coming weekends, the anticipation of the coming exam to college students, some newlyweds about to be born baby and the glass of water to chill my dry throat right after i finish this particular post.

Its been close to 3 weeks i havent been able to download my favourate series of Japanese Cartoons. Particularly when I've been reading many reviews and teasers from other bloggers regarding this Anime call "K-on!" Not going to go to details about it since some of you arent interested in these sorts of things. But for those super hardcore Haruhi fans out there...(u know who u are) we know that K-on is gonna be totally awesome regardless what non-fans have to say. It's one of those really bias interest where once you're hook your their slave forever. (for a particular brand i meant)

Anyways as i just recently got my connection running again,I downloaded K-on! episodes first thing in the morning and kept my PC running in hopes as i return home i can immideately throw myself in bed and indulge! Came home looked through my downloading progress bar and it says..............0%
I look at episodes 2 and it says 0%....
Episode 3.....0%
episode 4......0%

What is going on??!! how can this happen??!! Where's my K-on!???!! Why is the world round??!! Why is my mouth so wide open??!! Why do i have this crazy itch up my rear???!! Why am I shouting at my PC screen???!! Why is there a crack on my table and my head hurts??!! and why can't i shut this song up when i wanted to??!!!

Well after about 30 minutes yelling and spitting on my keyboard i found this article that explains it all....

So.....what am I going to do you ask? Do what many angry young boy would do. BLOG ABOUT IT!!!

1 comment:

Dini said...

your dog post is so weird... but yes do blog about your rants:)