Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh yea btw Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and coming Chinese New Year

Well guess what? My internet is finally back and now im throwing my whole bunch of wishes to everyone. Like a close friend of mine I never do New Years Resolutions. I probably made resolutions in the past but completely forgotten about it the next day and repeat year after year. So today for the first time I'm typing it down and make it black & white for the world to see. That way whenever I havent tried to achieve it i get some serious spanking. Since it's supposedly the year of the OX luck should be real good for me this year.

So here goes with the list for 2009

1) Avoid breaking more than 5 electronic objects this year. (don't touch my brother's stuff) Reason why? for some reason anything electronic goes to my hand it happens to break wether it caught virus, refuse to connect, start wearing out yada yada yada.... I think im Jinx or something.

2) Be more decisive with what I want, instead of thinking for hours of what i wanna do or whatnot i should just let my first impression and impulse make the decisions, from time to time. Be more clear of what i want in the long run.

3) Earn atleast 50% more savings than last year

4) a girlfriend....? Naaaahh!

5) Find a new hobby and do more of my current hobbies working out and such

6) Cherish those who i love and never take them for granted friends & family

7) A new hairstyle

8) Not necesarily loose weight but i want to loose my friggin belly size. And here i don't drink beer

9) Think positive? well.....i think I've done a good enough job so far since i came back from studying. Seemed like people like the new me more so I'll stick with it for now.

10) Go green. Eat less Red, White and Yellow and eat more Green. oh and use less electrical energy and water consumption.

2009! whooooo

1 comment:

Dini said...

Happy New Year! Good luck with your resolutions!