Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Flavor of the week, once again! (borrow again)

It may seems like I've been putting too much attention to Tweeting rather than writing a bigger longer blog, only because I don't have much attention span to constantly do so.

Many of you know that i listen to really strange music. Often times some say its, crazy. Some say Unique, some say its not me and some say its downright not mind boggling. Well as you all know I'm a man full of contrast. And that reflects to my taste in music. I listen to these songs more than i listens to the radio. And as i mentioned, I'm a huge fan of Hybrids. the new and the old, the smooth and rustic, the soft and hard, the cultured and uncultured. (Linkin Park turned out to be U2 lately, so they are not what i call hybrids anymore)

On to my Flavor of the week, which unfortunately aint a women this time. But its the Flavour thats makes it important. And the Flovours are fresh raw sushi of the Yoshida Borthers! also known as the Shamisen Brothers!

(ooohh just figure out how to post videos rather than links)

These guys are awesome, Traditional blend with Rock. What more can I ask for a proper hybrid of great songs?

Often times it feels rather underrated when music is supposedly a harmony of different instruments and style. Whilst these music are often overlooked in the mainstream eyes and we get songs like, "move b*tch get out the way" or..."drop it like its hot" Now don't get me wrong though coz they are ok songs for the right purposes at the right time.

Enjoy their awesomeness!

1 comment:

Dini said...

its ok you can stop saying you borrowed it from me! :)