Sunday, December 14, 2008

Things to look foward for Hokkaido

All my life I've always wanted to go to Japan and finally for the first time I'll be going full of anticipations and 10 year old excitement! Ok sure some of you said I've been to Yokohama, which means I've been to Japan. But seriously....being in Japan surrounded by rich expats kids and eating fish & chips is not what I have in mind when it comes to a "trip to Japan"
So least this time I get to finally properly be a tourist and visit Japan like all tourist should. Cameras ready and everything. So what's there to look foward to being in Japan and whats getting me super excited about going to Hokkaido? well...lets wiki it and see.
Most anticipating things in Hokkaido!

"Hokkaido is home to some of Japan's finest sakes, the most famous of the bunch being Asahikawa's Otokoyama (男山). Beer is also big in Hokkaido, the most famous brand being Sapporo Beer (naturally from Sapporo), but the many microbrews found in nearly every town are also worth sampling."

Hell yea! nothing like a decent old warm sake in the middle of a chilly night. I'm sooo gonna get completely drunk and loving it!

"Much of Hokkaido's population lives by the sea, and consequently seafood figures heavily in Hokkaido fare. Check out the hairy crabs (毛蟹 kegani) and the delicious sushi. Akkeshi's oysters, Saroma's scallops, and the northwest coast's sea urchin (uni) are considered to be among Japan's very best seafood."

I'm like wiping my drool off my mouth right now as im blogging this. Whats better than having fresh Japanese food? super fresh tasty Japanese SEAFOOD of course!! give me all your raw fish!!

I'm the man of contrast, I think some of you might have picked that up by now for either being my friends and all that. I love technology and gadgets and in contrast im a huge fan of traditions, particularly Japanese traditional cultures because they are really good at maintaining them. So! when Old meets new you get either a freak of nature or probably one of the most beutiful things ever. I was struggling in searching for a really hot girl wearing a kimono in google to post so that will have to make do. Atleast it shows the traditional houses dress and all that.

So what more of a better Chrismast present one could have? If I have a company to come along for it. Sure parents is all nice and dandy and all but having friends there would be even better...atleast we can visit to some of the more..."wilder" side of Japan.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I'm sooo fluffing ticked off!

Perfect time for me to blog!
It's 3am in the morning when I got into office today and to find out there is nothing for me to do!
Usually thats the case when I'm working on this flopping project however, this project supposedly 24 hours round the clock non-stop progress isn't flocking progressing. Once my shift is over, someone else will be taking over to keep the process going and after their shifts is over, i take over in a cycle. Well guess what? from what im seeing these flubbering guys didnt even bother to funking show up. Which means I've been doing all this fluzzing shit myself. To my demise are positioned in the late night shift. You know, the late shift where everyone else in the country is either sound asleep or out raving, or flaunting having steamy hot sex, while I am bonding with my imaginary friend here.
His name is Abdul Anuar, he flipping died 40 years ago before this place was built. He keeps telling me how he scares the security guards by making noises coming within the hallways or computers makin strange humming sound as well as hearing baby footsteps to kill his boredem.
So! Abdul and I usually keeps each other company at this hour and were bonding O-so-well togather right now. He even showed me a picture of his first crush when he was still flapping alive. (he just made funny faces on the mirror across my table). Surprisingly it was a white chick with blonde hair. I think this is during the early post merdeka or something.
So where was I? oh yea! im so flabbing ticked off! now I'm all semi-wide awake and already spent my car fuel to get to office only to find out there is ZERO progress and ZERO things for me to do, I'm contemplating if i should go home. Well...usually i would however i have another project i need to be working at 7am later.
So this is where it gets on my major fluffin nerve. My imaginary ghost friend Abdul seemed to be too busy amusing himself with the guards right now and I'm stuck here till 7am...which is 4 hours away...and i can't fall asleep. What can i do????
What the Funk???

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Needs & Wants for Chrismast! and beyond!!! 2

Hello again and we are at my second batch of wishlist number 2! without further adoo lets get started!

iMac stuff
They got all the cool stuff where they can put the word 'i' in any product they come up with. iPod, iMac, iBook, iPhone, iTune, iTV, iCar, iBrowser, iWater Bottle.....even iRack & iRan.....yea thats gonna get some eyebrows going. (refer to MadTV iRack skit in youtube)

Anyways, everyone loves them i stuff. It's like a big phenomenan where whenever Steve Jobs decides to give a speech, everyone is like all halleluah about it. As if he's some kinda religious prophet. Everyone worships the 'i' and disses the 'Mi' (microsoft). But when i think about it, it's not that far off. You see them 'i' worshippers disses the 'Mi' because they seem to be the stereotypical richer party back in the olden days. Now the 'i' have such a large scale of worshippers and continues to dragged none believers into believing their OS system than the other party. And those who doesn't believe in them shall be shun away from it's cultural 'i ness'...........

Kinda reminds you of real life anyone? (I'm soooooo gonna get in trouble for this one)

Hey, not in too distance future you have these well-dress men came knocking at your doorstep holding a big white book and be asking you, "Does your family belief in the 'i'? if you don't believe in the 'i' you will go to hell!"

Where was I? oh yea....I'd like to get myself one of those Envelop size laptops. (image below) and be a believer!

Yea last post i did say i wanted Sackboy plushies but i dont mind having a collection of different types of plushies all stacked up on one side of my cupboard. Hey I have my soft sides too you know! at-least the plushies that I like isn't particularly girly or all pink in colors. They are just somewhat iconic characters, not super famous but famous for the niche market, besides they are simple in design, which makes it ideal for the kind of living space i like living in. Enjoy some of those I dont mind getting, some of you might even be like, "awww i know that character and I want one too!'

Martial Arts Items
All my life I always wanted to get myself some sturdy weapons to train in, even if i never trained in that particular art anymore I'd still like to have one. I'm not particularly a collector, but its one of those things i wanted to "play" with. The more authentic the better. For example, i don't want those fake swords that is being sold on ebay, they are just decorations and not trainable. So i want a well forged weapons as well as traditionally made especially the japanese sword. As for other items, i like them to be nice and sturdy. Below are the weapons and attire I've longing to get for a long time.

So yea! If i ever get any one of these this chrismast gonna be all cool and dandy. Or even the information to get these its good. Infact...when i moved to my new place im gonna atleast get that wooden dummy. Been needing that for years.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Needs & Wants for Chrismast! and beyond!!!

Hello everyone! it's that time of the year! The time where all i can do is dream about all the things I want and need and will eventually not get them simply because i don't officially celebrate the holiday. But thats not stopping me from celebrating for my friends tho! So it's perfectly A OK for me to dream about the stuff I wanted this year! So here goes!

Sackboy Doll (officially made by Media Molecule)
It's more of a wish-list, hopefully media molucule are smart enough to cash crop their iconic sackboy and rob me blind for this unforgetable mascot. Those who doesnt know what Sackboy is heres a Wiki link about it.
But in a nutshell it's one of the most ingenious ideas Media Molecule have ever created for the user creation content in the gaming media. The game allows you to create your very own designs of games and concept and share it all across the world. So the sackboy is like Sony's new mascot just like Mario to Nintendo. (shut it Xbox fanboys you dont get any mascot and never will)

G2000 Blu (black jacket)
Ive been doing some browsing a few malls here and there for some form of casual/formal jacket so i can put it on and looked presentable to clients or look good outdoors and be a smug publically. I've been dragging alot of people along with me to give some suggestions and so far the G2000 Blu is the better choice thus far. Unfortunately i cant find any pictures to show but it should look similar to the one in this link. browse through the "Blu" section and check out the dead center picture. It should look like that. Pretty snazzy huh? Infact just looking at the picture made me wanna look for white tshirt and white pants just like the photo. This item is a semi want and a need.

SLR camera tripods/Unipods/monopods
I have an SLR camera which i havent been fully utilising it so i thought i need to brush up on my photography skills and start clicking away. Since this Chrismast holiday I'll be going to Hokkaido, (yes under 5, it's reconfirmed again so I'll be going yay!) I need to be able to take decent photos with a sturdy enough hands. So i have a few choices, either get a sturdy Tripod so i can keep using for future uses but weight and the time to setup would be a problem especailly if your following tours with other old people..(then again old people walks far too slow for me to worry about time). Orspend more money and get a Unipod, which is the one legged pod and be able to use it as a walking stick/weapon just incase i get attack by those Hokkaidan's Bear........or Ninjas.

Shades or sunglasses
I never wore glasses or never have the thought of wanting to wear sunglasses or shades. So usually I wouldn't want anything in particular, however if one day i do eventually needs one, the one in the picture should be pretty good, its cool looking, it protects my eyes and i get to listens to music. Im a fan of tech so i get anything that looks awesomely tech like. Ok maybe not very stylish...ill get back to you on that once i developed an interest to protect my eye stylishly.

Bluetooth Handsfree
There's been alot of deaths lately regarding car accidents, through observation theres tons of those who uses their phones while driving, worst case, is texting while driving. I've been getting phone calls here and there while driving as well so i think i need one of these sooner or later.
More to come, yes im a materialistic guy, hey it gives me a good reason to feel slightest happy about it.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bright side of life

Ok that last post wasn't fair. I realized I've been a little tad lazy on my bloggings recently...thats coz I couldnt think of anything to rant about lately.....Actually thats not true, i have lots to rant about only i couldn't rant about it yet because theres a risk that my rant may offend certain people and got me into some serious trouble.

So for the first time ever I'm going to blog about the good things in life! Oh no! its an abomination! me blogging about the bright side of life! Tread along this blog carefully kids, you might learn something that could save your life.

*cue music*
"always look on the bright side of life...*whistle whistle*......

Friends = sharing

We all hear about the, 'through thick and thin, ups and low....thats what friends are for....etc etc.' Well everyone have their individual experiances with his/her/it's friends and to me to sum everything up is the sharing of experiances between all these individuals. Whats great about them? im not going to write a whole essay about it but lets put it this way, think of the most stupidest and most mundane/boring'est thing that you can ever think of and throw in your friends in the mix, surely you get this thing which i call, 'drama/point of interest/plot-points.' And there you have it, you guys can share your fair share of rant about that stupid activity your group did. Hey worst comes to worst its funny for people from the 3rd perspective.

Money = opportunities
Hope i spell that right, darn them spell check system that spoils everyone of our generations. Anyways, to me, money equals to opportunity. Some say money is the root of all evil, which i tend to agree when I'm in my rant mode, however money is also the root of opportunities to do good. Look at all these celebrities, Clooney, Jolie, Madonna...etc etc. Sure some may argue they're doing their charitable works for more more money. But hey, stop thinking too much and just see things in the first layer first. At least they ARE doing some good, rather than us sitting our ass and rant about how society have become shallow. End of discussion.

Open minded = everything nice
To me when everything comes down to a nutshell, it really all depends on these 2 factors, persepctives & situation. It can be applied to anything and everything, especially in believe systems and philosophies. Everyone agrees adn disagree with others, thus creates conflict and drama but its what keeps all of us in our own place. A sense of balance. the Ying-Yang. If an individual see things in all perspectives, and accept the fact that what happens happened. Then one shall achieve wisdom and thus conflicts can be minimised.
And finaly...Smile, Laugh and grow fat.
.....ok maybe not grow fat, for some of us may have issues with that. To me, in many ways than one smilling and laughing is a problem solver. Whenever something really bad brings everyone down, all it takes is a simple smile to solve the melancholy of life. As friggin hard as it is to smile or laugh at a very tense situation, lets say....a death. Even if one smile, its a sign of wisdom has been gained in that particular individual. A difficult situation/problem has been solved. I hope im getting somewhere for our fellow readers since i have some difficulty expressing it in words.
In a nutshell, all it takes is a simple smile and there is always a sense of enlightenement and something heavy off your shoulders, as difficult to put a smile on that situation as it is. For those who has the ability to do such thing, i salute you and you have my utmost respect, and keep on smilling and laughing for the people around you.

have a good day people! and keep on smilling! :)

My current state

Need I say more?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My favourate quotes

Good morning class, and i do mean literally morning. (2:15 AM)

Today I will be putting up quotes, particularly some of my favourate ones, and i will explain to you all why they are meaningful to me...or simply cool to hear, and how i end up being the CWC i am right now.

Why? I'm just bored at work is all, so have fun trying dissecting my personality!

"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee

Despite me being a fan of martial arts, i cannot say I'm a hardcore fan of Bruce Lee and have his top naked posters all over my walls and such. Infact I'm not a fan of paper posters to begin with. How is this meaningful to me? well it's your classic ancient Chinese philosophies and the meaning behind it is very self explanatory and I am trying to be like water in life as much as i can, for i am known to be unbiased about many things.

"Fear is the path to the darkside, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." - Yoda

From the words of Master Yoda himself, or the scripts written from George Lucas. How is it meaningful? well thats because its very true if you apply this into anything in life. Love is an easy reference to target, your on a first date, u fear you cant pull off a good date, eventually you are too concious over it and screw things up and you began to start blaming either yourself or those around you then eventually you come to a realization that the date is already over and you suffered from it. Some of you might ask if I'm basing this on life experiance? just have to go on a date with me to find out.

"I have something very important to tell you, ponytails turns me on." - Kyon (Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi)

He meant a girls ponytail, not literally. But hey, i could not have agreed more.....Ok fine let me explain, it's a fun anime where a particular scene Kyon (the guy up there) saved the world from total destrcution by confessing that quote to the girl in the image at its climatic stages of the series....Still confuse? well I'm not going to spoil the fun for telling you so go watch that anime yourself. It's Awesome. But not as awesome as the next quote.....

I have never seen a single show that could have thrown me so many insanely memorable quotes, wether its meaningful to me or not it doesnt matter because they are just awesome and insanely manly in so many ways, so i dont need to explain myself and just enjoy all the quotes i like from this series.

"Listen up, Simon. Don't believe in yourself. Believe in me! Believe in me, who believes in you!"

"Your drill is one that shall pierce through the heavens!"

"If there is a wall, just smash it.If there is no path, just make it with this hand!"

"Kamina: Who the hell do you think I am?"
"Simon: Who do you think I am?"
"Nia: Who do you suppose I am?"

"If you are going to be a wall blocking my way i'll drill a hole in you and blow you apart anytime"

"Best way to kill a man, is to leave him alone."

"It's like screwing. It's MANLY!"

Simon: Who do you-
Kamina: All of you!
Kamina and Simon: THINK WE ARE?!

"Aniki is dead. He's not here anymore! But on my back, and in my heart, he lives on in me! My drill is the one that pieces the heavens! Even if that hole becomes my grave, as long as I break through, I shall be victorious! Who the hell do you think I am?! I'm Simon! I'm not my brother Kamina! I am myself! Simon the digger!"

Yea i know i went off topic here but hey they are still within my favourate quotes and they are in some ways meaningful to me. So does of you are still reading this blog then tell me some of your favourate quotes and how they are meaningful to you guys.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First strike at blogspot

Hello to everyone who comes across this blog.
My name is CWC and this is my very post for blogging in blogspot.........SCREW THIS!

This isn't the first time I ever blogged so I'm not some boring old newbie and do really random blogs about my life and crap!

however 'crap + life' = 'good entertainment'

and for that YOU, yes you, the one who's still reading this blog are forced by my will across my fingers through the keyboard to cyberspace through your telephone line and up to your screen and soaked up into your brain! And you'll be wondering, who is this CWC yelling at me for being so nosy at other people's life when I have my own problems to deal with??

well the answer to that my friends....(aka YOU, who haven't clicked on the red X box on the top right hand corner there) is that you are all curious to listen to what I have to say, or atleast ramble on...

So hello to the world and welcome to my blog and my philosophies in life, be prepare to be blown away and be pierced through the heavens!